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Are You Really Weaker Than Your Excuses?

“I’ll start when…”

“I would start an exercise program…but”

“I know I should eat better…but”

I’m going to call-out a few of the biggest excuses I hear.


'I don’t have time’…

The average westerner spends 20 hours per week watching TV or scrolling Facebook and social media. If you can’t allocate 3-4 hours of those 20 hours a week investing in your health and wellbeing by embarking on a structured training program, the problem rests with YOU.

'I can’t afford it’…

Okay, put your hand up if you go out drinking with your friends at the weekend?

You do?

Then I’m damn sure you spend more than a gym membership a week throwing beer or Prosecco down your neck on a Friday or Saturday night - THEN wonder WHY you can’t get leaner, fitter and healthier.

We offer affordable small group personal training and nutrition coaching that costs a lot less than a night on the town!


'I don’t have time’…

Again, the average westerner spends 20 hours per week watching TV or scrolling Facebook and social media. If you can’t allocate 20 minutes a day investing in your health and wellbeing to ensure you consume nutritious food and ensure you reach your goals - the problem is YOU.

I fully understand that some people don’t know where to start with their nutrition but as I frequently say; nutrition really isn't difficult. Nutrition can be as straight forward as a few key adjustments to eating habits and applying some accountability. Unfortunately, it’s often made difficult because people reach for the unsustainable ‘quick fix’ before relapsing to previous eating habits.

There’s a ton of ‘motivational' cliches floating around social media which are, frankly, entirely true. Let me put this into perspective...

If you really want something, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.

What people REALLY mean when they say ‘I don’t have time’ is ‘it’s not a priority’.

One thing I’ve consistently seen throughout my life, is that people who are successful in their endeavours make opportunities - not excuses.

Still think investing in your health is too expensive?

If you REALLY want to know where your priorities lie on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, just look at your bank statement. THEN consider why your health, fitness or body composition aren’t where you want them to be.

Nice car? Netflix? Nights out? Beer? Restaurants and bars? Movies? Snacks? Takeaways? More beer?

It never fails to amaze me how many people are willing to spend their lives working to afford those things but fail to invest in the most important thing they’ll ever own - their body and their health.

Add those things up and then tell yourself it’s too expensive.

Still think you don’t have time?

Sleep for 8 hours a night.

Work 8-9 hours a day.

Commute 2 hours each day to work and back.

Spend a full 2 hours with your partner and kids each day.

That still leaves 3-4 hours free each day. That’s 21-28 waking hours available EVERY WEEK. You need three hours a week to change your life for the better.

How much of that time is dedicated to TV, Facebook or Xbox?

The bottom line?...

If you allow it, there are infinite excuses and reasons as to ‘why’ now isn’t the right time. And if you allow them, there are plenty of people willing to give you excuses to fall back on.

Amazing things can be achieved in 12 weeks with the right guidance and support.

Life changing things!

Dedication and a little sacrifice is part of achieving any meaningful goal. There’s no way around that and there never will be.

If you’re not willing to start on the right path and realise your own potential, success will always escape you. When it does, the only person to blame is yourself.

Limitations are perceived limitations. Every morning you wake up and draw breath is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity many take for granted until it’s too late.

With nobody motivating you or pushing you forward, you need to be self reliant. YOU are the only one in charge of your life and it’s the only one you have! So take it back and start owning it.

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